We are being Montezuma, leader of the Aztecs right now. We are at war with Alexander the Great. The Spanish conquistadors and the people with guns came and took over the Aztec Empire because the Aztecs only had these kind of warriors: Jaguars and Eagle Warriors. The Spanish had Conquistadors which are people with swords on horses like Spanish knights, but the conquistadors didn't have as much armor usually.
The Jaguar only had Jaguar skin and masks and war-clubs. The masks were shaped like a jaguar head. The Eagle warriors had war-clubs and they had something different than the Jaguars. They had eagle talons costumes above their sandles.
This is Montezuma on his throne with a headdress.
This is Peter the Great. He was a great leader because he was not like King Louis the fourteenth. Because King Louis had a palace called Versaille which cost way too much money and he taxed the poor, not the rich people. When King Louis died he had lost a lot of the countries money.
Peter the Great started with a really old and weak country. But he made it into a better country. He hired craftsman and they built lots of things and the country became newer and more popular.
This is a barbarian leader. The great leaders had to fight barbarians.
This is a Cossack the special warriors of the Russians. They were people on horses. They refused to wear armor because they wanted to move around quickly. Armor didn't let them move around as easily as they wanted. They had guns, but in the day and age when they didn't know about guns they had spears. They had tall black hats too.
This is how cossacks shot and rode: They hold on the reins with one hand and when they get close to an enemy they shoot. Sometimes they shoot from far away, but its hard to aim, that's why they usually try and get close.
This is Peter the Great's army against the barbarians army.