I am pretending to be chief of the FBI - Agent Ian. I am working to catch Danoman and his 20 thieves. Each time there are math puzzles that help me find them and get them.
First was Rock Cape. He had set a lock with a pattern I solved and a geometry trail.
Next was Alaca. She had gone haywire and stolen all the money from a bank. I had to figure out a secret code and make a capturing machine with the symbols to get her.
After her I chased Facto. He had left a trail of math facts (add and subtract) which I follwed to catch him.
After that was Cting who was a cyber criminal. On the computer I solved the code to his hideout and figured out which room he was hiding in with fractions.
The last one I just caught was called Atako. He shot arrows which I blocked by solving addition problems over 10. Then I shot the arrows back to catch him using subtraction.
Last I had to cross a bridge but the key was hidden in 9 boxes. The box with the key was heavier than all the others, but I had to find it out only weighing the boxes 2 times. I figured it out even better than my dad who took 3 times.
That's 5 down and 15 to go.