We have been away the last few weeks on vacation. It was a great learning adventure. Here are some photos from our trip. My favorite ride was at the Epcot center was Spaceship earth and it was a history ride through time. I loved it. I also enjoyed Epcot and learning about all the different countries and all that. We even ate food typical for those countries. It was awesome. The fireworks at the end of each day were cool. I loved the pool at the grand Floridian. I swam there with my brother and sister What a great hotel. Wow.
The cruise was fun too. When we were in the Bahamas we went to a pirates museum and learned all about the real pirates. It was interesting to be in a foreign country again. I will post more pictures soon. I loved swimming in the blue ocean with fish. We biked the island and went to a watchtower from where we saw the ship. I really enjoyed the broadway like Disney shows and all the good food they fed us.