Thursday, August 2, 2012


During world War II when fighting was mostly in the sky's A/A ( anti-aircraft guns ) were invented to shoot down the aircrafts here's how they worked .
The anti-aircraft gun shot out radar rays and when those rays hit a big object like propellers and wings of a aircraft they bounce back to the A/A and will tell them how big the aircraft is,what shape and were it is so the A/A will know if it is a aircraft and we're it is so the A/A can shoot it down . Thats how it works . Now during the late 1900s people started to invent aircrafts that won't be visible to the radar here's how it works . The aircrafts surface was smooth and it had top secret deflects radar paint all over it and RAM
( radar absorbent materiel ) on it and it's shape was hard to detect and it had radar jamming materiel on it to . All these things helped the stealth aircraft be able to get past radar and into enemy territory . This is a stealth bomber

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