right i know, there is no such thing ....but yes there is the first emperor of Brazil was called Pedro I . Pedro grew up in Brazil but his dad was king of Portugal , back then Brazil was a Portuguese colony.
when Pedro was 23 his dad made him leader over Brazil . when Pedro became 24 he declarerd independence from Portugal and his dad . know Pedro was emperor of Brazil. his country is very hard to rule. he is against slavery but slave owners and plantations owners love slavery . because they get loads of money from it. so he couldn't get rid of slavery in a snap ! there were lots of other groups of people and they did not along together . they fought and argued. Pedro I was trying to keep control of a vast , arguing empire and it was not easy . he sent his soldiers here and there to stop revolts . it was a busy job . and most citizens hated him . they thought he was still to loyal Portugal
and the Brazilians that were still loyal to Portugal (the one that had made most of the revolts in Brazil) hated him for breaking off from Portugal. the slave-owners hated him because he hated slavery . at last his people made him go away. he got into the fist ship heading for Portugal with his family and his belongings and sailed away toward his father. but he left his 5-year-old son in Brazil. Pedro II. his advisers ruled Brazil until he was old enough . when Pedro II became 15 he got control of the empire of Brazil . it turned out to be hard to rule ( just like his dad experienced ) there were 5 different groups of people in Brazil . 1st the Portuguese noblemen and slave-owners . 2nd the American immigrant-slave-owners-Ex-plantation-owners . 3rd European immigrants. 4th the native Brazilians (which were treated poorly)and 5th the African slaves. Pedro believed that all the groups had to live in harmony together, all earn a good living and get a good education , if the country was going to stand. he wanted to make them to live in harmony. but this was going to be very hard . he started to make Brazil more modern . he made more and more factories schools and railroads. he traveled to Europe and America. he used the telephone invented by Alexander Graham Bell . he liked the telephone so much he ordered on to be put in his summer house . Pedro came back to Brazil allied with Argentina and Uruguay and fought against Paraguay in the War of the Triple Alliance. after the war Pedro set about abolishing slavery . but slave-owners did not want this to happen . so it took a long time before it was abolished . at last in 1888 Pedro made slavery illegal . Pedro had made Brazil a more modern and easier place to live . but lost of Brazilians started to argue with Pedro II they said they wanted a Constitution and not a king . in 1889 Pedro left to Paris where he died the same time the Constitution was made .
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