Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Made Up Legend And A Poem

The Guardians of The Misty Island
 One day long long ago a fodragobear ( a mix between a fox a dragon and a bear ) was walking along in its forest habitat when it saw a group of geese flying east.It asked the geese where they were heading. The geese honked back a reply " to the Misty island. " " wheres that ?" asked the fodragobear. " in Sweden. Some men who lived there give us food to stack up for the flight south in the fall." Honked the geese. " bye now HONK!!"and with that the geese flew away east ( they were in Scotland ). The Misty Island, Sweden sounded like a good place . So the fodragobear flew away east with his dragon wings . On his way to the misty island he saw many Scottish people . As he flew overhead the Scottish they yelled " A'ch the'r go's th' fod'agobea'Aye'!" When the fodragobear came across Loch Ness he hailed his friend, The Loch Ness monster or Nessie' fe'r short. " whe' yo' be ahe'din' ?" asked Nessie'. " ta Sweden !" replied the fodragobear. And with that he flew off to Sweden. When he got to Norway he knew he was almost there . He saw the vikings preparing to raid the English coast. When he at last made it to Sweden , he landed . When he found an elk he asked it where the misty island was. The elk said it was a bit farther north . The fodragobear flew there and found the Misty island. When he Landed close to the human village he saw the geese getting fed. 
But when the humans saw the fodragobear the ran back inside their huts to get armed. The fodragobear  
tried to tell them he just wanted food but the humans can't understand fodragobearian. Most of the humans charged him but one named Gustav Goldbeard jumped on the fodragobear back and flew off with him into the sun. Gustav Goldbeard  was a Man with a Battle axe , a blonde beard and mustache. He had a iron cap on and was wearing brown cloth kilt and shirt. He had chain mail under his kilt and shirt. Gustav Goldbeard quickly befriended the fodragobear calling him krigare which means warrior in Swedish. They came back to the misty Island and quickly became famous . They protected the misty Island from invaders.
That is how they became known as the guardians of  the Misty Island.  

A Poem 
Poem 1
sea and wind against the Scottish shore
Sea a'n wi'n againts th' scottish sho'e

The raging wind and the sly water
 fiercely fight the rocky coast. The
 coast will die , But now it stands
 firm and strong at the most. They
fight in the laughing moonlight of day.

Poem 2 
The Swedish Battle.

In the Singing sun of
a new day. Armies
advance. Then all in
one they cry their 
battle cry. The armies
thunder across the 
forest . The axes 
and swords swinging 
up and down. the
raging battle goes 
on till Night swallows
it up. The battle
ends by the traces
of the moonlight. 


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