Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Some thoughts from Black Belt in Freedom

So I am taking the Black Belt in Freedom class by Dr. Oliver Demille. It has us read a bunch of classic books that have to do with freedom, so far I have read Turn the Page, We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident , The Declaration of Independence and am now reading The Law. Turn the Page explained how to read books like a leader, some of the things you need to do are: write in your books, have questions as you read , have a plan , think about the words and how they relate to you plan and problems, read the classics, write words you don't know in the front or back of the book, and write an outline of the book in the front or back of the book. We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident explains that there are natural laws, that are higher than man-made law, 12 of them,those 12 are not being followed by Modern Governments ( including the U.S. ) , and the solution to the political issues and problems of today is to have Government follow natural Law and the people to follow it also, the 4 most important things you can do to help this ( in the U.S.) are: 1st spread the word ,2nd engage in your local government , 3rd vote for a natural law adhering representative and ask him or her to follow natural law when in office and ,4th vote for a president who goes against natural to the least degree, ( because all recent presidents have gone against natural law ). I have told my representative ( Seth Moulton ) to follow natural law and work to help the U.S. Government follow natural Law. I have also petitioned ( I can't vote yet ) for a presidential candidate who will go against natural law the least, I have gone to a Republican town committee meeting in my town , and am now spreading the word. I really hope you get this book ( you can get it here ) and read it, pleeeaassee! The Declaration of Independence is a legal document explaining to the world that , yes that are going against British ( man-made) law but they are staying in accordance with higher ( natural ) law and that the British government is going against natural law. Also the  Declaration  states the natural law that they are adhering to ( in the starting ) and a list of the things that the British government has done that goes against natural law. There are 3 ways to analyze the declaration: 1 Historically, 2 structurally/terminology, and to analyze the Principles and Truths that are eternal and that are found in it (The 3rd way is the most important). The Declaration is true and has eternal truths in it , just like the Scriptures, these things are not outdated , and if you go against the eternal truths found in The Declaration you will be going back to the time before The Declaration with a monarchy or something else tyrannical like it. Is you go against the scriptures you will be unhappy, and ( if you do not repent ) will go to spirit prison , and ( if you still don't repent ) then you will go NOT go to the celestial kingdom and you will NOT receive exaltation. The Law is written by a French political philosopher named Frederic Bastiat and it explains that government and law has strayed from what it is supposed to be ( "the organization of individual right and individual defense "( collective self defense) " if it were the obstacle... to all oppression, to all plunder"pg 10 ) and has become an instrument of legal plunder, through tariffs,progressive taxation, free public education, ect. ( combined it is called socialism ). In the law he also says Socialism professes that the law should not only to protect the unalienable rights of individuals but that it should " extend well-being,instruction, and morality, directly over the nation ", but as Bastiat points out this is not possible, either government ( force ) is organized justice ( keeping men free ) or it is organized human activity: labor, education, industry are some examples. You can't force people to do things outside of respecting and not infringing on other peoples inalienable rights ( and you can't use force outside of promoting national security) that does not protect their inalienable right to Liberty, and you can't take one group of peoples money ( that they rightfully earned ), and give it to another group , that did not earn or work for it without infringing on the inalienable right of property. So you can't have socialism without infringing on peoples inalienable God given rights ( socialism makes the people not free ) , which is against natural law and leads the nation to decline. So Obamacare, and progressive taxation infringe on peoples inalienable rights and lead the nation to decline.

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