Wednesday, July 6, 2016

World History Prep

  • Homo erectus
    homo erectus are a species of the genus homo, and are early humans. The walked upright and made tools. They also had larger brains, and were one of the few species of Homo to survive until the Homo sapiens.
    more than 200,000 yrs ago. 
  • Neolithic
    This is a period in time when the agricultural revolution happened , and the first agricultural cites were established, It means new stone age, and there were many new stone tools for farming instead of hunting. The Neolithic period happened all over the world. more than 10000 yrs ago
  • Cuneiform
    cuneiform is a type of writing used by the Sumerians and other people in Mesopotamia . It was first used to record trade exchanges, and looks like a lot of slashes. It was written on clay tablets. The writing is important, because it was one of the EARLIEST forms of writing and helped people record things.
    start: 3200 BC , fully done : 2500 BC.  
  • Hammurabi
    Hammurabi was a Babylonian king , and he wrote a code of laws for Babylon called , not surprisingly , the code of Hammurabi. This is important because it was one of the earliest law codes and kept the nation unified. Hammurabi lived in Mesopotamia.
    Reign:1792-1750 BC 
  • Mastab
    Mastabas were ancient Egyptian tombs , and they were important , because they took considerable coordination effort to make them.
    during the Archaic or Pre-dynastic period 3100-2686 BC
  • Mohenjo-Daro
    This was a city built near the Indus river in Asia. It had an amazing pipeline, water transfer and drainage system. It also had a fortress at the center of the city , which may have had a temple . The writing of the these river Indus valley people has not been deciphered and almost all we now is from archaeology.
    2250-1600ish BC
  • Vedas
    Vedas were the holy texts of the Aryans , In India. They contain the religion , values and wisdom of the Aryans. They help us understand the Aryan culture and people. They were written between 1700 BC and 500 BC.
  • Oracle bone
    Oracle bones were bones used by the Shang Dynasty in eastern Asia to ask questions of the gods, they are important because they show us what the Shang Dynasty were interested about. The Oracle bones were used in the Shang Dynasty which lasted from 1600-1045 BC
  • Cyrus
    Cyrus was the first king of the Persians and changed them from a semi-nomadic shepherd society , to become an empire ( by conquering the Babylonians with the Medes ) . He released the Jews from bondage and let them go back to their homeland and rebuild the temple destroyed by the Babylonians. His empire was around Mesopotamia.
     Founder of the Persian empire ,died 521 BC
  • Mandate of Heaven
    The Mandate of Heaven wan an idea the the rulers of China had the right to rule from heaven. It was invented by the Zhou Dynasty . When rebels revolted , the Mandate had moved from the rulers to the rebels. The Zhou Dynasty ruled from 1045-771 BC
  • Confucius
    Confucius was a wise Chinese teacher, that promoted the family , and virtue. His idea was, that virtuous and good people would be nice and cooperate.
    551-479 BC
  • Legalism
    This was a Chinese idea , that thought that China needed to be unified under a strong government with severe laws. Legalisim did not look into the past for ideas, instead they thought they needed war to unify China and make it a strong state.
    Legaliasm grew out of the doctrine of Master Xun 321-237 BC
  • Upanishad
    The Upanishads were a new religious text that succeeded the Vedic religious texts in India. They prized knowledge over ritual, and focused on realizing ultimate reality or Brahman , and escaping existence itself.
    800–500 BC
  • Siddhartha Gautama
    Sid was the Buddha or enlightened one. He lived near Nepal, around the 500's BC. He is important as being the founder of Buddhism, and discovering the eight-fold path.
    563-483 BC
  • Polis
    A Polis was like a city state, in Greece. A lot were governed by democracy.
    750 BC , Polis meant what I said it means 
  • Oligarchy
    Oligarchy means rule by a few, though it is similar to democracy. It is a form of government in Greece.
    Oligarchy happened during the Lyric Age 800-500 BC
  • Agricultural Revolution
    When nomads settled down and farmed and domesticated animals, the Agricultural revolution took place
    more than 10000 yrs ago
  • Hittites
    The Hitties were chariot warrior people in Anatolia. They also went to Syria , Mesopotamia and Egypt. They had a lot of military success.
    1800-1200 BC 
  • Olmec
    The Olmecs were Mesoamerican people that built giant head sculptures, and rubber ball game stadiums. They studied the stars, made a calendar and studied nature to understand the supernatural world
    start : 1500 BC
  • Zoroastrianism
    This was a religion of the Persians, that was founded by Zoraster after 1000 BC. It taught that there was only one god , Ahura Mazda , and he created all that was good and was capable of only good. His enemy Ahiram, was evil, and the religion shows that the universe is divided into these two forces, who are always battling for control. People could chose between good and evil, and their choices had consequences. Also you could not bury, burn or drown your dead, and had to leave them out for the animals.
  • who/what: if a person who is the person and what is the person known for; if a thing, what is the thing
  • where: from what part of the world does the person or thing come; or is it most commonly associate
  • when: if you know a specific date you would include it, but at the very least you will need to identify it chronologically
  • why: the reason(s) the person or thing is important
  • Define what is meant by the term “civilization.” Discuss the attributes of civilization of at least two of the earliest river valley civilizations and explain how they influenced later civilizations in the same area.
    A civilization is a complex cultural entity with cites and rulers. The Mesopotamian city states had walls, and ( obliviously cities ) complex division of labor in them. They also had religion , that included their ziggurats. They influenced later civilizations to have religion and to have walled cities and warfare. The river Indus valley had complex water transport systems, and influenced later civilizations to do the same. 
  • Explain the difference between territorial states and empires. Discuss at least two territorial states and compare/contrast them to at least two later empires. What are the defining characteristics of empires?

    Territorial states have less influence than Empires. 
  • Discuss the role of religion in human development. What was the purpose of creation stories? Describe the development of religion in at least two different areas of the world. What was the role of key individuals in the development of religious beliefs?

    Religion has changed how we think, what we build, and what we try to do. To satisfy the question : "where did we come from?". France: First France was inhabited by wild nomadic tribes that had primitive religion. Then the tribes settled down, and after a while the Romans invaded it. The Romans had mythology and were polytheists. Rome ruled Gaul for some time, ( and soon before the fall of Rome, Rome became Christian ) but then the all of Rome came about. Invading tribes then settled Gaul with their religions. After some time , Charlemagne , king of the Franks, was named Holy Roman Emperor. France became Christian again. After Charlemagne's death ( and the death of his son Louis, ho ruled after Charlemagne ), The kingdom was divided between Louis's 3 sons. Soon after barbarians invaded ( including the Norsemen, who settled and owned Normandy ) and the Paganism of the Norse slowly changed to the Christianity of the Normans. I shall stop here for France. Utah: Utah was ( as earliest records say ,  not first ) inhabited by corrupted Lammanites and later became home of Native american tribes with their religion about animals and such. After some while, the Spanish Christians invaded and forced the Utahans to convert. Then the United States took it ( after Mexico did ) and it stayed Christian. After a bit more time, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints pioneers settled the land. Utah is still Mormon , but it has other faiths as well.
  • Discuss the role of migration in early human history. How can scholars trace migratory patterns for the distant past? What effect did migrations have on settled societies?

    This lets other lands be settled and explored. Also Migration can bring cultural practices to other lands. With language change , and DNA.
    the theory ( that I don't agree with ) is that humans originated in Africa , and then spread across the world, so migration helped colonize the world. Also migration to places where humans already were, led to the exchange of ideas. With Language , written records,  and DNA testing to name a few. As stated above, it could change the ideas and technologies of the settled people. 
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