Sunday, December 19, 2010

Genius Game

This week I had a birthday. I got a game that was called Genius.

It's a physics game where you build different inventions and sell them and solve problems.
I'm learning about steam engines, pulleys and how fast something goes. I also learned how to tell a real gold coin by its density. I also learned that you can't make energy out of nothing.

I had to build a waterworks and a water tower so the fire department would work and protect buildings from fire.

I built a bicycle factory which uses coal for energy. Later I made a building to make iron. With coal and iron I could make steel and build a train factory.

I also had to build houses for workers to live in. They like to live not too far away from the factories and not too close to them either. They also like to live by trees and to have their wages paid very good or they will go on strike. They are especially happy when I build a museum or schools.

I made $30,000 in the game but I spent a lot of it building new factories.

My dad helps me with the math, but it's a lot of fun.

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