Giant Squid are the second largest mollusks . Colossal squids are bigger. Giant squids can get up to 43 feet ! They have giant eyes as big as a football . They live deep down in the ocean. They eat deep sea fish . The first picture of a giant squid was in 2004! to catch their prey they use their long tentacles that have suction cups on them. They pull it to their beak-like mouth . They can change the color of their skin to hide from predators. Their only predators we know about are sperm whales . Before 2004 the only evidence we had was parts of Giant squid in whales and on the shore. Giant squids are still mysterious .They move with a tube the blow air out of called the siphon. Some people believe that the legend of the Norwegian kraken was based on a giant squid .They don't look much like snails and clams but they are related . They both have the mollusks muscular foot : Clam muscular foot it uses to dig and move. : Snail muscular foot to slide along on. : Giant squid the Muscular foot is divided into eight arms and two tentacles. They both have a mantle . A layer of protective skin. Clam : its shell. Snail: its shell. Giant squid Hard skin but no shell. The Giant squid has a inner Gladius that supports it. They all are Invertebrates. Giant squid are awesome!
Sources brainpop and wiki
Sources brainpop and wiki
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