Monday, September 30, 2013


Two Hydrogen atoms plus one Oxygen atom = water  H2O
water is a good solvent which means  it is good at dissolving 
things . Hard water has some minerals and metals in it and 
soft water has very little minerals and metals in it. Every living
thing on earth has needs water to live. 

Water  cycle
The water cycle is a cycle in which water goes through . it is like this

snow melts
from the
mountains         (  )and Rains
    / \                   |  |               then the water evaporates and turns into clouds
  /----\   ________|________  ______________
/         \  ________________ \|                             |
            and turns into a river \                               |
                                               |                              |
                                               |                              |
                                                 that empty's into the ocean
The water cycle was on from the time of the dinosaurs . So you might be drinking the same water the Dinosaurs drank !

Water Pollution
Is waste and other bad stuff that goes on water. Water can usually take care of pollution in three ways

In this method the water dissolves the pollution.

In this method the water Spreads out the pollution so no one area will get affected badly

In this method the water recycles or makes the pollution food for other organisms

The water can get polluted in lots of ways like sewage waste or factory waste
When the water gets polluted there is no Oxygen for the living things in the water.
When the living things die other micro living things that don't need Oxygen come
in and make bad smelling gases .

Floods are a natural disaster that happens when land gets more water than it can absorb.
Lakes ,rivers and rain can make floods. Big waves made by earthquakes can also make floods.
Floods can do a lot of destruction like washing away houses and drowning people. People can stop floods with dikes , levees and dams.

Source : Brainpop

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