First we packed...
...Then we went to the Airport..
....Got on the plain and flew to San Diego ( 6 1/2 hours )
rented a car and got in a hotel. When we woke up we went To the Wild Animal Park.
The Wild Animal Park was Awesome!!! Here is what we did at it : We walked around The place Eating
food that we had got from Trader Joes. We saw Lots of Animals My favorite was Harris's Hawk. We
saw lemurs,Gorrilas, lots of birds and others. we fed the Parakeets that was fun. But I would have liked it if I had a Leather glove on and Instead of Parakeets there would be Raptors. Then we got on a Tram
and went around the The African Safari. There we saw lots of Animals like Giraffes, Antelopes ,
Wildebeest , Rhinos( One of them was almost extinct It had 7 more Rhinos of its kind ) and A cheetah.
All around The Park were Cathartes auras or Vultures. They Also had Lions . We went and saw The bird show. Then we went back to our Hotel. We went to Balboa park . It was fun and I got a Swedish flag there. We learned about Balboa. I liked the International houses. We went to The beach and had fun by the Pacific. There was a nice Grassy place to play soccer on . We played there. We also went to the Temple and the Mormon Battalion. We Went to Eat at a healthy Mediterranean Restaurant. We visited some friends. We cooked quail eggs there and Then Packed up . We got food at trader joes. Then went on the Plane back**. We thought this Flight was going to be canceled Because of the Snowstorm . Most of the Other flights to the East coast were Cancelled. But When we were to land It would be Rainy and windy , no snow. Since Jet-blue did not cancel the Flight to Boston , Many people that were going to New England went on that flight. So it was full. We read books Ate and Watched Sochi. When We landed we got our bags. Then Found out that The bus was not coming. So we Got in a Cab and Drove to a station where our car was Parked. Then got in our car and came home.
*Route : Flew west Through New york , Canada and Michigan To Minnesota,
Flew southwest through South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado And Arizona to San Diego CA.
**Route: Flew Northeast. When Got to Boston Circled. Much Wind and turbulence. Landed.
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