Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Northern wars ( a story )

One day in a city in Montana ,there was a governor in a skyscraper. He was the governor of Montana . His name was Olsen. Olsen was from Sweden. He had become a citizen of the USA. In the sky scraper it smelled like peppermint. Olsen hated Peppermint. It was coming from some ruby slippers . He threw them away in a garbage truck that was passing by his window. Suddenly he heard someone shout his name in the Lobby. He ran down stairs. A red head was standing in the lobby holing a letter. He asked Olsen if he was the governor . Olsen said yes and the red head handed him the letter. Here is what it said:

 Komma Vid en gång det är en akut !


It was written in Swedish . Here is what it said in English 

Come at once it is a emergency !


Olsen knew Guståvüs, he was a friend of his in Sweden . What could be happening ? He decided to find out . He asked the people of Montana to elect someone to replace him while he was gone. Then he packed his and left early in the morning . He arrived at Stockholm in the night. He rented a hotel and went to sleep. When day came he rented a Saab and went of in the direction of Guståvüs's house. When he arrived  Guståvüs's house was in ruins. It was as if a whale had been dropped on it . Olsen searched the grounds but could find nothing except a bloodstained rifle. He knew Guståvüs had kept an old rifle that belonged to his ancestor Gustavus Adolphus the Great . He was one of the Greatest kings of Sweden and many say he is the greatest .  Guståvüs was one of those . Olsen hoped Guståvüs was still alive . He got into his car and drove around asking people if they had seen him. The day was wearisome and uneventfull. The next day he found a letter in his mailbox . It said : Norrbotten .  Norrbotten ? It was the largest and most northern county of them all. How was he going to find Guståvüs in Norrbotten ? Well he should at least try. So he got in his car and drove to a gun store. He bought a sniper . With his gun he drove all the way to Norrbotten . It took him 10 hours. When he got their he stopped in Galligen hoping that Guståvüs was there. When he rented another hotel and got to his room he saw Guståvüs there!! " how did you get here ?!?!" Olsen asked. " I asked where a governor from Montana was and they said here " replied Guståvüs . He was a blond bearded man . He had a bleeding shoulder. " what is happening here ? Are you okay ? " asked Olsen. Guståvüs collapsed on the floor and told him to call the swedish ambulance . Olsen did and then he helped Guståvüs down to the lobby. They put him in the ambulance and Olsen waited to hear more . When Olsen visited the hospital he asked Guståvüs his question again. This time Guståvüs answered it. " I am getting better and the Russian maffia was trying to rigg the winter Olymips that were to take place in  Norrbotten . The Russians had wanted the winter Olympics in their country not Sweden. So they were trying to make it fail. But I  have some allies in the russian army and they were trying to stop them. I told the Swedish government and they are trying to help us. But if they announce it publicly then Russia will declare war on them. They can not afford this. So I need you to tell the US government to help us." Olsen pondered this. He went to a phone and called the US goverment. He was at once admitted to the President. They talked and talked until Olsen got him to send 100 soldiers to help on a top-secret mission. When Olsen arrived back at his hotel he saw his room was Ransacked. Some one had come here! He saw that his sniper was still there in a secret compartment. He grabbed his sniper and ran downstairs. When he got in his car he drove to the eastern coast of Sweden. He wanted to see if the coast was being guarded from Russians. It was heavily guarded. He asked a Coast guard if the Sky was being guarded . The Guard said it was. Olsen drove to Sweden's northern border with Norway and Finland. It was getting late and cold. When he got to the border he saw most of it was guarded. But one part was guarded by sleeping guards! Olsen ran to the border and woke them up just as a shot rang out BANG! The guards returned fire with Olsen. BANG! BANG! BANG! All the firing had brought Finnish and Norwegian guards to the site. Russians ran over the border in the dark and ran into Sweden. The Cold was unbearable. With the icy wind in his face Olsen Ran after the Russians trying to get Some Swedish guards to come with him . But the Swedish guards were talking to the Finnish and Norwegian guards. So Olsen ran on with his Sniper Firing into the darkness where he thought the Russians were. When he got to the place where his car had been it was gone. He ran on hoping to find some police. He was freezing in the cold and black night. Olsen thought he would freeze. He walked on and saw an outpost when he got to the door he Froze. When Olsen woke up he was in a wooden room with a fire and a hearth . He had Unfrozen and was now up. He gave the Outpost man some money and walked on Until he found a city . The city was called Kiruna. Olsen went to a police station and told them about the Russians . They sent some police to the border and getting in a police car ,went after them. They did not know where the Russians were. They asked around but no one had seen them. Olsen rented another car and went back to his hotel. He needed to find out how to make peace with the Russians . When the 100 Americans arrived Olsen decided he would combine 50 Swedish soldiers with the 100 Americans. 150 soldiers to search the 173,745 sq mi of Sweden. So he started in the North going South. 1 month and 29 days later They found the Russian base. It was in Strömsund. The middle of Sweden. Olsen asked the Swedish government to send more soldiers because the Americans were leaving on the morrow. Strömsund's police had been jailed and killed so no one had heard. A 7th of Sweden's army Surrounded the city. They sent a person to order the Russians to surrender. There was a shot followed by a scream. The Swedish soldiers brought in tanks The Stridsfordon 90 , the Stridsvagn 122 and others. The Tanks fired and the soldiers ran and shot. The Russians were holding. But then The Swedish Air-force came and bombed the city. The fighting went on and on . But in the end Sweden won. Guståvüs came and Congratulated the Swedish General on his victory. The Swedish had eliminated the Russians and the Olympics were played in Sweden.       

                                                   The End

Info: Wiki 

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