Wednesday, March 5, 2014

In desert and wilderness.

I recently finished reading this book called In desert and wilderness.
This book is about two European descent children who live in Egypt while the Suez canal was being built because their fathers were engineers working on it. The children get captured and are taken through east Africa. They endure many hard ships. I will make a summary of the book right now:

These two children called Stas and Nell lived in Egypt with their fathers. But one day they got kidnapped by some Sudanese and Arabs. These people were faithful to this Mahdi or religious leader who wants to take over the world. But he was only in Sudan fighting the Egyptians. The Egyptians had colonized Sudan because the British had ordered it. The Egyptian government was a protectorate of the British. Stas and Nell rode camel back over desert and jungle to Sudan where they met the Mahdi. The Mahdi asked them to follow him. Stas replied no and The Mahdi ordered them on a journey to another city that was ruled by the Mahdi. The journey was harsh like the desert jouney. When they got there they were told to meet with another Sudanese man named Smain. They went into the jungle to searched for him. When they met a lion the Arabs and the Sudanese did not know how to shoot a new rifle that belonged to Stas. They had took it from him. Stas took the Rifle and shot the Lion then he shot the Arabs and Sudanese. Stas and Nell procided with a Mastiff and two slaves that had belonged too Nell and the Sudanese. They went along through the Eastern Congo. Eating antelopes and whatever game they could find. They also ate fruit. They found an Elephant trapped by rock and tamed him. Nell got a fever and Stas found a Swiss man that had Medicine for fever. The Swiss man then died. Stas blew up the rock and freed the elephant. Stas and Nell found a mountain and went into it it had plenty of provisions. They lived there and sent kites made of paper that the Swiss had given  them and made out of fish bladder membranes. Then they went on eastward towards the Indian Ocean. They passed through many Villages with black people and scared them into submission with guns and the elephant. Then they helped the people of one of their friends( the slaves left over from the Sudanese) Then they got hundreds of men from the village and set of for the coast. But they came to a place where no water was and they soon ran out of water. They almost died. But a kite had been found by a European led caravan. They saved the day. When they had been fed and they drunk water they went to sleep. They met their Fathers on a coastal city for a message had been sent that they were still alive.


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