Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Science experiments and Iodine

I did science experiments today. 
Here is one: this one is a piece of paper wrapped into a tube. It holds the book up when it is in tube shape because it is stronger. 

Here is the other one. It is olive oil ,butter and water mixed. Water and oil separate I also did the vinegar / baking soda experiment. After a while the vinegar soaked into the soda. 


Atomic weight 126.90447
Melting point 236.7 F
Boiling point 363.7 F

Iodine is solid at regular temp. It is rarely liquid at all. Iodine cures hoof fungus on horses. You can not take a picture of iodine in its gaseous form with a black background. There are no particles to reflect the light back. You need iodine. For your thyroid gland on your throat. Iodized salt has very little iodine in it and it can't be used easily. They used to use Iodized gum !

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