Our Grandfather had high high blood pressure a few days ago. He was dizzy and had cold sweat. This was almost a heart attack. Luckily he recovered from the extremely high blood pressure. A Chiropractor is a person who helps your back and other muscles.
Medical Doctor trip
We went to the Anna Jacques hospital. We went to the second floor. There we waited in a waiting place. Until we went into a patient room. A nurse came in she asked if when he had it , what the symptoms were and other things. Then she took his blood pressure. After that a doctor came in and listened to his heart beat. Then they took his blood. They subscribed medicine for him.
What is high blood pressure?
When the heart relaxes and contracts it pumps blood through the arterys( these are blood vessels that carry the blood through the body ). Blood pressure is the force of the blood on the artery's walls. You can feel pressure waves at your wrist. You can also measure your blood pressure here and other places. Systolic blood pressure is the highest . It happens when the heart contracts to push the blood out. Diastolic is when blood pressure is lowest. It is when the heart fills with blood. Blood pressure is read with Systolic over diastolic. Like 130 Systolic normal 100-139.85 Diastolic normal 80-89
High blood pressure is called Hypertension and it can cause strokes. Crazily low blood pressure is called hypotension.
Chiropractor trip
Our Grandpas back was hurting him really bad. But this Chiropractor ( who is a member of our church the true church ) helped his back feel better. We saw him massage it , Stretch it and hit it with some sort of machine.
After the Chiropractor trip our grandpa felt better. He got the medicine for his Hypertension today.
sources: brainPOP.
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