Monday, June 29, 2015

Some writing

The Democratic Republic of Congo
The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country in the middle of Africa. Its's population is 77,433,744 , its Language is French and its Religion is Christianity. The DR of Congo is the 2nd biggest African country.
At the start of the DRC's History Nomad tribes wandered the Jungle. Not much is know about these tribes because they did not write, and Europeans did not go deep into Africa until the 1800's.

World cup and Essex youth count soccer tournament Cinquain poem

Word cup 2014
                   World cup
               Interesting and fun
        Germany won with one goal
      poor Brazil, What a loss ,Brazil
                   in the Semi-final

ECSYA tournament
        In this
       Tournament we
   lost in the semi-final.
But we played hard and lost
          so sad
Differences between Bats and Birds

Grid of differences                  
|     Bats          |     Birds          |
|    Mammals   |      birds          |
|      no beak    |      beak         |
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Grid of Similarities                   
|     Bats          |     Birds          |
|    Wings        |      wings         |
|            fly      |     fly               |
|     eat insects |     eat Insects  |
Warm blood |   warm blood  |
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Uhtred the bold

I already wrote about him here is the link.

The Chipmunk
Recently we found a chipmunk. It had its head turned on an angle, it was injured. We found it laying ( looking dead ) near Sophie ( our dog ) and she was barking at it. After a while the chipmunk got up and started looking around, digging up nuts that were buried. He ate the nuts and kept looking. But he did not run away from us , he was injured. If we left him out in the wild he would have died, so we put him in a cage with almonds to keep him until he got healed. Recently he escaped ( he was practically healed ) and now he is gone. We do not know how he got injured or how he escaped , but I think he might have fell from a tree and injured himself, or he was scared to death of Sophie, we will never know.

My Summary of chapter 4 Dr. Art's guide to Science
This Chapter is about energy. Energy makes matter change and move around. Matter is the stuff in the world, anything that takes up space. Electricity, Light , motion and heat are all forms of Energy. Energy changes form a lot.

 Benjamin Thompson was a scientist and count. He was born in Massachusetts in 1753. He invented many things including efficient fire places. He did an experiment that proved friction could turn into heat energy.

The Laws of the Conservation of Energy state that energy can not be created or destroyed. The Atomic theory of matter says that atoms and molecules vibrate and move around. They move around more in gases and liquids then solids. Heat = the energy of motion. So when molecules move around fast it creates heat. Physical change is when things melt, evaporate,condense and freeze. It is when matter changes states, from solids( in solids the molecules vibrate but do not really move around) to liquid( in liquid the molecules move around more  ) to gas ( and in gas the molecules move around the most ).

In Physical changes the matter keeps the same atoms and molecules. In chemical change though the molecules change. The matter becomes something totally different. Fire is an example of chemical change. In fire the starting molecules ( Oxygen and wood  ), have more Chemical energy than the products ( carbon dioxide and water ) .So in order to stay true to the laws of conservation, another product is heat and light energy ( fire ).Chemical change does not create energy, it conserves it.

 1 water molecule is not wetter then one rock molecule, because you need many molecules together in a system to feel wetness. We are systems of molecules that experience other systems of molecules.

My Summary of chapter 5 Dr. Art's guide to Science
This chapter is about  Forces. When Matter changes its energy then a force is being acted on it.

 Galileo measured gravity ( the force that attracts things. When a apple falls to earth, gravity is acting , attracting the apple to the earth and the earth to the apple. Since the earth is way bigger than the apple you cant really see the earth being moved towards the apple because it is so small a force. )

 Issac newton discovered gravity, he also invented Calculus, so he could measure the strength of gravity exactly. Newton made the Newton's laws of Gravitation Attraction and Newton's laws of motion. They say that the farther apart the objects are and smaller the mass ( mass is how much matter there is in something ) of the objects - the weaker the force of gravity. But the closer together the objects are and the more Mass that have -the stronger the force of Gravity. Gravity applies everywhere in the universe. It is the force that makes the moon orbit the earth and the earth orbit the sun.

There is a/are force/forces stronger than Gravity. The 2 separate forces are electricity ( electricity is the flow and charge of electrons . One form of electricity is static electricity. Static electricity is stronger than gravity. One way to show this is when you rub a balloon on fur and then pick up paper. Gravity is acting on the paper , but it can not keep it on the ground. Why this happened: When we rub the balloon on the fur it rubs of some electrons on the fur. The electrons come on the balloon and make it negatively charged. The paper is neutral ( has same number of protons as electrons ) so when we bring a negatively charged balloon by it the electrons near the surface move away from their alike counterparts. This makes the surface of the paper Positive. Since unlike attract the positively charged surface of the paper goes towards the negatively charged balloon.) and Magnetism ( Magnetism is a force field around a Magnet that attracts metal like Iron.  Magnets have a North and south pole. ). Together they are called Electromagnetism ( Electromagnetism ). Magnetism and electricity are closely related to each other and are parts of Electromagnetism.

Early medieval Japan , Korea and Australia 

Around the 500's Japan was divided into many different clans. One of these Clans , the Yamato Clan, was stronger than the others. The Yamato clan wanted to conquer the other clans and rule Japan. And after many many long years of fighting , but the did conquer Japan. It was hard keeping control of so many clans , so the Yamato emperors said they were descended  from ( this Is not true. It is just Japanese mythology ) the sun goddess, Amaterasu.  This helped the Yamato leaders ( the Yamato dynasty had to parts : the Kofun period and the Asuka period  ), but they also borrowed ideas (for good ruling ) from China and Korea. Way back in med-late ancient times, the Chinese had invaded Korea and conquered some of it. Later the Koreans took most of their land back.  Korea got divided into 3 parts  : Paekche, Silla and Goguryeo. The Koreans use Chinese ways a lot after they got free. Paekche wanted to take the other two kingdoms , so they asked Japan to form a pact with them( that says: if you go to war we will help you. If we go to war you will help us) .  When the Japanese saw the gifts that came with the letter they were amazed by one: a book in Chinese. The Japanese asked the Koreans to teach them Chinese, and the Koreans did. The Koreans taught them many of their ways. The Koreans were influenced by the Chinese , and the Japanese were influenced by the Koreans. So it is safe to say that Korea and Japan were influenced by China. During the Tang Dynasty ( of china. The Tang Dynasty was a golden age of china. Before China was divided in to parts (North China and south China). Yang Chien was a general in the northern Army. He attacked south china and became Emperor of united china in 581. Yang Chien founded the Sui dynasty of China. The Yangtze River had divided earlier china. It Also threatened to divide china Again. So the Next Sui emperor , Yangdi  , ordered a grand man made canal connecting south and north. It connected south and north china but it made people poor and mad at the emperor. They had paid extra taxes for it, and had spent a lot of time digging it. The Chinese revolted and ended the Sui dynasty. The next dynasty was the Tang. During the Tang Dynasty printing and gunpowder were invented) the Chinese invaded Korea and conquered Paekche. After much fighting the rest of the Koreans drove China out. Japan did not want to be attacked at all. Even though the Japanese copied the  Chinese a lot, they still thought themselves as equals to China. So 400 years later the Japanese stopped copying the Chinese.  In Australia the people were nomads. There was no king or emperor like in Japan and china. Instead they walked around moving where there was food and water, never settling , picking berries, fishing and hunting animals. These people were like the very first people they still did not know how to farm!  These people were called the Aborigines.  

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