Monday, June 29, 2015

Microscopy and some other Science things


We used a Camera Microscope that you can attach to your phone to take these pictures:

Microscopy is cool


How it works

Why to use it

you can read more about it below in the Summary of the book Milestones in Science section of this . Other Science Things

Earth and Space

Solar System and Earth
here are some links that relate to what I am writing here. Link     Link  link   link
The Sun is in the center of the solar system. The Sun just like earth rotates on its axis. The Sun is made out of Burning gases. without the sun life on earth would stop. when we look at the we can see the Photosphere.

makes up 99.8% of the mass of the solar system





Asteroid Belt







Energy , Forces and more.

some other stuff and Summary of Dr arts guide to science.

Batteries and Electrochemistry

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

This Chapter is about energy. Energy makes matter change and move around. Matter is the stuff in the world, anything that takes up space. Electricity, Light , motion and heat are all forms of Energy. Energy changes form a lot.

 Benjamin Thompson was a scientist and count. He was born in Massachusetts in 1753. He invented many things including efficient fire places. He did an experiment that proved friction could turn into heat energy.

The Laws of the Conservation of Energy state that energy can not be created or destroyed. The Atomic theory of matter says that atoms and molecules vibrate and move around. They move around more in gases and liquids then solids. Heat = the energy of motion. So when molecules move around fast it creates heat. Physical change is when things melt, evaporate,condense and freeze. It is when matter changes states, from solids( in solids the molecules vibrate but do not really move around) to liquid( in liquid the molecules move around more  ) to gas ( and in gas the molecules move around the most ).

In Physical changes the matter keeps the same atoms and molecules. In chemical change though the molecules change. The matter becomes something totally different. Fire is an example of chemical change. In fire the starting molecules ( Oxygen and wood  ), have more Chemical energy than the products ( carbon dioxide and water ) .So in order to stay true to the laws of conservation, another product is heat and light energy ( fire ).Chemical change does not create energy, it conserves it.

 1 water molecule is not wetter then one rock molecule, because you need many molecules together in a system to feel wetness. We are systems of molecules that experience other systems of molecules.

Chapter 5
This chapter is about  Forces. When Matter changes its energy then a force is being acted on it.

 Galileo measured gravity ( the force that attracts things. When a apple falls to earth, gravity is acting , attracting the apple to the earth and the earth to the apple. Since the earth is way bigger than the apple you cant really see the earth being moved towards the apple because it is so small a force. )

 Issac newton discovered gravity, he also invented Calculus, so he could measure the strength of gravity exactly. Newton made the Newton's laws of Gravitation Attraction and Newton's laws of motion. They say that the farther apart the objects are and smaller the mass ( mass is how much matter there is in something ) of the objects - the weaker the force of gravity. But the closer together the objects are and the more Mass that have -the stronger the force of Gravity. Gravity applies everywhere in the universe. It is the force that makes the moon orbit the earth and the earth orbit the sun.

There is a/are force/forces stronger than Gravity. The 2 separate forces are electricity ( electricity is the flow and charge of electrons . One form of electricity is static electricity. Static electricity is stronger than gravity. One way to show this is when you rub a balloon on fur and then pick up paper. Gravity is acting on the paper , but it can not keep it on the ground. Why this happened: When we rub the balloon on the fur it rubs of some electrons on the fur. The electrons come on the balloon and make it negatively charged. The paper is neutral ( has same number of protons as electrons ) so when we bring a negatively charged balloon by it the electrons near the surface move away from their alike counterparts. This makes the surface of the paper Positive. Since unlike attract the positively charged surface of the paper goes towards the negatively charged balloon.) and Magnetism ( Magnetism is a force field around a Magnet that attracts metal like Iron.  Magnets have a North and south pole. ). Together they are called Electromagnetism ( Electromagnetism ). Magnetism and electricity are closely related to each other and are parts of Electromagnetism.

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Some of the book Science by John Farndon

Energy has many forms heat, electricity , light and others. Almost all of our Energy comes from the Sun. Some directly from solar Panels, but most indirectly from fossils fuels( coal, oil, petroleum and Gasoline. These are fossils and dead organisms compressed and under immense pressure by layers of soil and land , that turn them ,after many years , into Oil and other fossil fuels. These fossil fuels are considered nonrenewable, because It takes a very long time for them to form. They are bad for the environment not only because they are nonrenewable , but also because burning them releases air pollution  carbon monoxide and other compounds bad for the environment ). The dead organism got their energy either directly from the sun ( plants and photosynthesis ) or indirectly from  eating the plants or eating the animals that ate the plants. Energy efficiency is the measure of how much energy is wasted. Machines that waste very little have good energy efficiency. Energy is a form of mass; mass is a form of energy. Absolute zero is the coldest temperature of all. On the Kelvin scale it is 0 , while on the Fahrenheit scale it is -459.67 degrees. Theoretically it is when molecules cease to move, but this is around impossible it was almost reached in a Finnish Laboratory. Conduction is 1 of 3 ways heat moves. It is when heats spreads from hot places to cold places. The other 2 ways are convection ( when warm air or water rises ) and radiation. You can convert Fahrenheit to Celsius by subtracting 32, dividing by 9 ,multiplying by 5.Like this : 90 degrees Fahrenheit - 32 =  58 / 9 = 6.4•5 =  32. So 90 F = 32 C . Celsius is based on waters boiling and freezing points .  0 degrees Celsius is the freezing point of water , while 100 degrees Celsius is the boiling point of water. 

Summary of the book Milestones in Science
Light , colors and sound
 Light is a form of energy that is made up of waves and particles , called Photons. For creatures that see , light is very important. A long time ago people made artificial ( fake, man made ) light . Later scientists learned about rainbows, optical instruments , light , cameras and more. Sound is also important to us. 

Magnifying glass
The Romans observed that water filled glass balls magnify , zoom in on or make bigger ( in this case only visually ) objects. Around 1,000 years later ( about 1020 46 years before the Norman conquest of England ) an Arabian scholar, official and scientist ( Abu Ali al-Hasan Ibn al-Haithan. He was an official in Egypt. But he liked science more than his job as an official. He was the first person to make the Camera obscura and magnifying lenses he also wrote a book called Kitab-al-Manazir, which was about optics  ) looked at curved glass and found out they can be used as a magnifying lens or burning tool. He set up the base for further scientific research in optics. 

Camera obscura

A camera obscura is: when light enters through a small hole into a dark room and makes an upside down picture. Abu Ali al-Hasan Ibn al-Haithan made the first of these. Artists used these for drawing, but not until 1840 were they used for photography. 

Fast fact
The first eyeglasses were made of clear gemstones not glass ! The man who is credited as the European inventor of the eyeglasses is called Roger Bacon ( he was from England  ). He knew about Abu Ali al-Hasan Ibn al-Haithan's inventions though. Roger Bacon was an amazing man , he predicted airplanes and microscopes way before they were invented. 

We don't exactly know invented this , but it might be Hans Lippershey ( supposedly Hans held many eyeglasses in front of each other , and on accident found " that they magnified things in the distance ". Hans was a great lens and eyeglasses maker that was born in Germany, and later moving to Holland became a citizen of Netherlands ) a Dutch-German man or Leonardo Da Vinci ( An amazing genius-polymath ( Polymath means : good at many things, and boy was Leonardo good at many things like: Painting, Science, Math, Writer , Musician and Inventor ) of the Renaissance. He is Famous for painting the Mona Lisa )an Italian ( He might have made a small,weak telescope way before Hans ). Either way in 1609 Galileo Galilei ( Galileo was a bit of a Polymath to : he was good at Math, Astronomy, Physics and Inventing. He discovered the Law of Falling bodies  ) built a newer better telescope and looked a space. He discovered that the moon had craters and ridges, and found moons orbiting Jupiter. In 1611 ,2 years after Galileo discoveries , Johannes Kepler ( he was an Austrian -German ) published a book that told you how to make a better telescope ( an Astronomical Telescope that turned everything upside down, but since planets were and are mostly close to a Sphere it did not matter )  and told you how a telescope works ( Telescopes capture and Magnify light with Lenses and mirrors. A Binocular is actually 2 Telescopes stuck together. Refractor Telescopes use lenses to gather and Magnify light, while Reflectors use Mirrors. The Aperture of a telescope is the diameter of the main lens ). 

Microscopes and Microscopy
There are many types of Microscopes, like Electron Microscopes and Light/ Optical Microscopes. The one were are going to write about here is the Light/Optical Microscope.  It uses Lenses ,like the telescope , to magnify very small things. It is not certain who invented it, maybe Zacharias Jansen , maybe Anton van Leeuwenhoek ( who were both Dutch ), Maybe Galileo but one thing is know for certain. After the years the Microscope was invented Ernst Abbe ( a German ) calculated the way to get the best picture, he improved the Microscope a lot.   

The Electromagnetic spectrum
This is the Spectrum of Radiation from Radio waves to Gamma rays. The wavelength is longer in Radio waves than in Gamma Rays. Visible light is all the light we can see and it only makes up a fraction of the spectrum, the colors of visible light ( from longest wavelength to shortest ) are : Red,Orange,Yellow,Green,Blue,Indigo and Violet. Infrared radiation is right below Red on the electromagnetic spectrum, it has a longer wavelength than red. Ultraviolet is right above violet on the electromagnetic spectrum, it has a shorter wavelength than violet. Beneath Infrared are Microwaves ( which heat up food in a Microwave oven ) , and below Microwaves are Radio waves ( radios use these waves ). Above Ultraviolet are X-rays, and above X-rays are Gamma rays. Issac Newton discovered visible white light was and is actually made out of visible colored light in 1672.

Diffraction and Refraction
Diffraction and Refraction are proprieties of light waves and other waves. Light usually travels in a straight line, but when something gets in its way ( like glass ) the light gets bent and this is called Refraction. Light changes speed in materials that have more density ( how tightly packed the molecules are ), this causes the bending. How much the light bends is called the angle of refraction." Diffraction is the bending and spreading of waves "

Spectral analysis



Light bulb

Heat, Steam and Engines 

Summary of science in 6th grade book

Natural science

Physical science 

Stories of Scientists 

Sources: Dr. art's guide to Science, 6th grade basic skills, Wikipedia and brainpop.

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