Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Year in Review

So this year I did a physics course online through Coursera and then I started to focus a lot on Government and History.

After finishing a BYU Independent Study World History Course in November, I studied for and took the AP US Government exam at Triton in May. It was a lot of hard work and fun as I got to learn things about the our Federal Government all through the year. I got a 5 with Heavenly Father's wonderful help on the AP U.S. Government and Politics exam.

My AP Scores

I also attended a town hall meeting, visited the local courthouse, created campaign signs and went canvassing during the primary elections. I only wish I wasn't still 5 years away from voting. My 18th birthday will be just a month after the 2020 election cycle (wretched). I found out what my AP score was on Saturday.

I am now taking a U.S. History Course also through BYU I.S. and I love it that I  live in a place where I can visit a lot of the places I'm learning about. We went to Plymouth a few weeks back and I got to go to Plimoth plantation and talk with the Governor about the colony.

I also took an art class at Triton and got to do a lot of creative projects. My pencil portrait of the Prophet Lorenzo Snow won a prize at the Budding Artist Competition at the NAA. One of my favorite art projects this year was a driftwood Nativity I made for Christmas. I also did a 3D animation in blender through a Youth Digital class that was really interesting.

For math besides the Physics algebra I finished Trigonometry and I started working on Pre-Calculus on Khan Academy.

I am still playing soccer with the 7th and 8th graders and with my brother pretty much every day.

One of my favorite things about homeschooling is eating really good food every day. We grow a lot of kale every summer and I have been mixing it into green smoothies and all sorts of other meals as one of my favorite foods.

I've read a lot of classic books this year with our family as well as a lot about freedom and government like The Law by Bastiat and We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident. I've also found some time for fun reading and got through all of Sherlock Holmes and recenlty got into the Wizard of Earthsea series this year. I can't wait til Brandon Mull publishes his new Dragonwatch series.

American history.

Ancient Americas from the start -200 A.D. 
Who really was first to America? Well I will tell you it was not the vikings , Columbus or some people from Siberia. The first Person to set foot in America was Adam. After him the first people to really settle down and make a Civilization in the Americas were the Jaredites (  as I write below, the record of the Jaredites was discovered by the people of Limhi, and was abridged by Moroni. Moroni was a righteous nephite prophet. He writes that he saw Jesus and writes about how great faith is. The record of the Jaredites, abridged by Moroni, was translated by Joshep Smith with the held of God ). The Jaredites were descended from Jared and his relatives.  Jared and his family lived in Babel. When the inhabitants of Babel ( I do not think this included Jared or his relatives ) started to make a tower to try to get to heaven, they were stopped by Heavenly Father. He made everyone speak different languages, so the could not understand each other and build the tower. Jared asked his brother to pray to The Lord and ask him to let the Brother of Jared, his family and friends keep their language. The Lord let them keep their language so they could understand each other. Jared then asked his brother to ask where they should go and if they should go. The Lord answered: " Go and gather together thy flocks, both male and female, of every kind; and thy families ; and also Jared thy brother and his family;  and also thy friends and their families, and the friends of Jared and their families. And when thou hast done this thou shalt go at the head of them down into the valley which is northward. And there will I meet thee and I will go before thee into a land which is choice above all the lands of the earth ". The Lord goes on to say that he would bless them in that land and make them a great nation. After this the Brother of Jared and their families and their friends, and their friends families, went to the valley. The name of this valley was Nimrod, they brought much food. Like flocks, fish, birds , bees ( which would give them honey) , and many seeds. When they came to the valley The Lord spoke to the brother of Jared from a cloud. The Lord told them to go into the wilderness , he went " before them " and gave them directions where to go in the wildernesses. Then they came to the sea, there they built 8 barges with the Lord guiding them. The Lord wanted them to go across the sea to the land of promise. The land of choice for righteous people. This land was and is America. The barges were completely airtight so no water would get in. The inside was completely black though and the air could run out . These were problems, the brother of Jared asked heavenly father what to do, the lord told them to make a hole in the tops and bottoms of the barges. The Lord said they should put a stopper in the holes. This stopper could be taken away to let air in and closed to keep water out. As for the problem of light the Lord told the Brother of Jared if he could come up with an Idea. Fire would not work, it would burn the barges, windows would not work because they would break. The brother of Jared went to a mountain ( which they had called Shelem ) and made 16 small stones. They were white and transparent almost like glass. Mahonri Moriancumer ( this is the actual name of the brother of Jared ) went to the top of a mountain and asked the Lord to touch the stones and make them glow with light. Because of his great faith he saw the finger of The Lord when he touched each stone. They glowed with light, then Mahonri Moriancumer saw the Lord and talked with him. The lord showed him many great things and it was wonderful ( " and blessed is he that is found faithful unto my name at the last day, for he shall be lifted up to dwell in the kingdom prepared for him from the foundation of the world. And behold it is I that hath spoken . Amen. " The Lord ). Then Mahonri Moriancumer went down the mountain and put the stones in the barges, they filled the barges with light. Then they filled the barges with food, and got into the barges themselves. They set forth into the sea with The Lord guiding them. The Lord caused great winds to blow them toward the promise land ( the new world ). There were many storms and the Barges were submerged under the water many times. The Lord guided them and they sang praises to him. They were protected from whales and " monsters of the sea ", and were continuously driven toward the new world. They were driven forward for 344 days on the water. And then they landed in the promised land/new world. This was around the mid-third millennium B.C. When they got there they " bowed themselves down upon the face of the land , and did humbles themselves before The Lord, and did shed tears of joy before The Lord, because of the multitude of his tender mercies over them ". After this they went into the land and started to farm it. They multiplied in the land and became known as Jaredites. Jared had four sons called Jacom, Gilgah, Mahah and Orihah. Mahonri Moriancumer had sons and daughters and so did their friends and rest of their family. They were taught in the way of The Lord and the land became filled with them. They probably settled in Mexico or a bit North of it. In a nutshell the history of the Jaredites in America: It started out with righteous people and ended with very wicked people. The Jaredites experienced wars, Famine, murder, secret combinations, riches and more. There were many kings , some righteous , some wicked. Their Record was discovered by the people of Limhi and abridged by Moroni. After a while the Jaredites wanted a king ( Mahonri Moriancumer warned them that a king would lead to captivity put they still wanted one ), they first chose Pagag the firstborn of Mahonri Moriancumer. But Pagag would not become king. So the people asked the brothers of Pagag, but they did not want to be king either. So they went onto Jareds sons. All but one refused to be king, this one was Orihah. Orihah became king over the Jaredites, and his people prospered. Then Jared and his brother died, but Orihah kept being righteous. Orihah's rule was righteous and prosperous. In his old age ha asked his son KIb to be the next king, and Kib did become the next king. Kib had a son called Corihor, and when Corihor was 32  he rebelled against his dad. He went away into another place and drew up any army. He then he marched his army towards the land where his dad lived, and took him captive ( this fulfilled Mahonri Moriancumer warning). Kib lived as a captive as Corihor ruled over the people. But another of Kib's sons, Shule drew an army to fight Corihor. Shule and his army overthrew Corihor and restored his father on the throne. Shule became the next king and he reigned in righteousness. He expanded his kingdom because it was getting to populated. Corihor repented and Shule gave him power. Sule and Corihor had many sons, and one of Corihor's sons was named Noah. Noah rebelled against his father and Shule, his uncle, the King. He drew a large army and had many supporters. He went to battle against Shule and took over some of the kingdom of the Jaredites. Then Noah fought the king again and captured him. But then the Shule's sons sneaked into Noah's house and killed him. They also freed their father and but him back on his throne. The son of Noah Cohor became the king of Noah's land and Shule kept his land. The land was divided into the kingdom of Shule and the kingdom of Cohor. The people under Shule were prosperous. When Cohor fought against Shule,  Shules army beat them and killed Cohor. Cohors son Nimrod did not try to keep his kingdom, he gave it to Shule. This made Shule like Nimrod, and he gave Nimrod power. Prophets of the Lord were sent to the Jaredites to tell them to repent of their wickedness. The Prophets said that if they did not repent there would be a curse and they would be destroyed. Some people mocked the prophets, but Shule arrested them and judged them. Shule mad a law that let the prophets go wherever they wanted. The people repented and were saved, and Shule reigned in righteousness all his days. The next king of the Jaredites was Omer. Omer had a son called Jared. And -like many other Jaredite princes- Jared rebelled against his father and went away to live in another place. He used his cunning and flattery to gain half the kingdom. Then he went to war with Omer ( again like many others  ) and captured him. Two of Omer's sons, Esrom and Coriantumr, were angry that Omer's kingdom had been taken from him. They raised an army and beat Jared, and they restored Omer to throne. But they did not kill Jared beacuse he had given his kingdom for his life ( he was about to be killed anyway, rather lose only your kingdom instead of your life and kingdom ). Jared became sad about his loss, and by evil secret combinations he overthrew omer again. But The Lord warned Omer and Omer left before he could be killed. But then a man named Akish had ordered him murdered , Akish was his son-in-law and became king after him. Akish and Jared were both wicked. Akish was jealous of his son and starved him to death. The dead son's brother ( the brother was called Nimrah )was mad at his father for killing his brother. So he and some other men went to live with Omer. Akish had other sons, these sons bribed people to follow them, and they started a war with their father. They were both evil and there was no real " good guy ". The war beetween them was long and killed everyone expect Omer, the people who had fled with him and 30 other people. Omer beacame king again, he was old and in 2 years he died. Emer beacame the next king , he was righteous and there was peace in the land. The Lord slowly took away the curse on the land, and the people became very rich. They had: " all manner of fruit, and of grain, and of silks, and of fine linen, and of gold, and of silver, and of other precious things. And also all manner of cattle, of oxen, and cows, and of sheep, and of swine, and of goats, and also many other kinds of animals which were useful for the food of man. And they also had horses, and " donkeys", and there were elephants and cureloms and cumoms; all of which are useful to man, and more especially the elephants and cureloms and cumoms. " . These animals ( the Cureloms and cumoms ) have not been identified yet, but they must have been large to go along with the elephant. As it says they had horses , so Native Americans once had horses, but by the time the spainards and other Europeans came, the horses must have been erased from America. The Lord gave many blessings to the land beacuse it was righteous. Emer saw peace in the land and appointed Coriantum to be the next king.  Coriantum was righteous and there peace, he lived to be very old without having children, but finally he had a son called Com. Com became king and ruled for 49 years, he had a son called Heth. Wickedness was spreading again and Heth became wicked. He killed his own father and became king in his place. Prophets of The Lord preached that the people should repent or a great famine would come upon them, but they did not listen and some even tried to kill the prophets. The king Heth told them to do this, he was quite the opposite of Shule. The words of the prophets cam to pass when The Lord sent a famine in the land. He also sent also poisonous snakes that poisoned animals and humans alike. Many people died, and some fled southward  ( probably to northern south america or southern central america ). The people began to pray to The Lord and asked for the famine to stop and they humbled themselves and started to stop being wicked. The Lord stopped the famine and made it rain. Shez became king because he was the only relative of Heth that had not died in the Famine. Shez became righteous and ruled better than Heth. During his reign his oldest son ( also named Shez ) rebelled against him. But because Shez ( rebel ) was so rich he was killed by a robber, and that ended that trouble. The king Shez built many cites and extended his hold over the land. After he died his son , Riplakish , became king. Riplakish siined and was not a good king, and after 42 year of his reign the people rebelled. He was killed and his family driven from the land. After many year a descendant of Riplakish , Morianton, got an army of outcasts and attacked the kingdom. He took many cities and after many years of war he gained control of the kingdom. He became king, and the people liked him, but he was not righteous. The next king was Kim , he was not righteous either. His brother rebelled against him and captured him, in captivity Kim had a son called Levi. Levi rebelled against the king and beat him taking the kingdom. Levi was righteous and his people prospered. He had a son called Corom and Corom became the next king. Corom was also righteous, the next king was Kish, after Kish was Lib. Lib was righteous and during his reign the poisonous snakes were destroyed. The Jaredites built a " great city by the narrow neck of land "( this was probably near or in Panama, although it could have been near the great lakes ) The Jaredites went south and hunted in the forest ( probably the Amazon or somewhere north of it  ).  The land northward was heavily populated while the land southward was a wilderness, used for hunting. The Jaredites were productive, they traded and " they did work in all manner of ore, and they did make gold, and silver, and Iron, and brass, and all manner of metals.....and they did work in all manner of fine work. And they did have silks, and fine-twined linen; and they did work all manner of cloth....and they did make all manner of tools to till the earth...and they did make all manner of weapons of war.....and never could be a people more blessed than were they, and more prospered by the hand of The Lord ". The king after Lib was Hearthom. Hearthom reigned for 24 years and then his kingdom was taken from him. He lived in captivity the rest of his life and had a son who lived in captivity all his days. After 3 generations of living in captivity all their days a descendant of Hearthom named Com took half the kingdom. After 42 years he fought with Amgid the present king for the other half. In the war he beat him and Com became king over the land. During his reign there were evil robbers in the land , and prophets came to tell the people to repent ( or they would be destroyed ). The people rejected them and tried to kill them. The next king was Shiblom, during his reign his brother rebelled and there was a civil war in the land. The people became wicked and there was famine in the land. After much hardship they began to repent and The Lord had mercy on them. Shiblom was killed and his son Seth, got captured. Seth had a Son called Ahah , and after Seth died in captivity Ahah took the kingdom and became king. He was wicked , after him Ethem became king and was also wicked. During Ethem's reign there were prophets that prophesied that The Lord would destroy the people unless they repented. The people did not listen and the prophets were sad. After Ethem the king was Moron , he was also wicked . Then a rebellion against Moron happened. The rebellion was wicked , a powerful man ( probably the leader of rebellion ) fought against Moron. This man took half the kingdom, and he kept it for many years. Then Moron overthrew him and got all his kingdom again. Then another powerful man , a descendant of Mahonri Moriancumer , overthrew Moron. Moron lived in captivity the rest of his life, and he had a son called Coriantor. During Coriantors lifetime there were many prophets of The Lord. They prophesied that unless the people repent , they would be destroyed. And that The Lord God would bring other people to dwell in the land ( these were the descendants of Lehi ). The people though kept being wicked and rejected the prophets. Coriantor had a son call Ether , and Coriantor lived the rest of his life in captivity. During Ethers lifetime the king of the land was Coriantumr. Ether was a Prophet of The Lord God, and he preached unto the people. He told them to believe in The Lord God and repent, or they would be destroyed. He said "by faith all thing are fulfilled, wherefore whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men , which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God. " . Faith is extremely  important , many great things are done by faith, The Lord gives men weaknesses that they may be humble, faith hope and charity are essential to salvation . Ether spoke about a New Jerusalem, and that the seed of Joseph would build it. He said that you would need to repent and be clean before God and then you would be numbered as the seed of Joseph. Ether prophesied many things, but , sadly, the people did not believe him. They threw him out, and he hid in a " cavity of a rock "  during the day. But during the night he went back to civilization and discovered the things that happened during the day among the Jaredites. While he hid in the cave he wrote his record of the Jaredites. (This record was later discovered by the people of Limhi, abridged by Moroni, and translated by Joseph Smith) The same year he was thrown out a war started among the Jaredites. Many men wanted to kill Coriantumur and obtain the throne. Everyone was wicked except Ether. There was a lot of fighting in the land, and The Lord told Ether to go talk to Coriantumr and tell him and his family to repent. And if they repented The Lord would not destroy them. 
Fast fact

Medieval Americas 200 A.D. - 1600

Fast fact

Pre-revolution Americas 1600-1775

  • Comparing French, Dutch, and English colonies, which ones attracted the most settlers, and which the fewest? How did these differences in emigration affect the various colonies’ development? What factors determined the kinds of relations the different groups of colonists had with the Indians?
(a) The English Colonies Attracted the most settlers, while the Dutch and French colonies attracted the fewest settlers.
(b) The low amount of emigration to French and Dutch colonies  made them develop into smaller colonies than the English colonies, where more emigration happened and a higher population was a result of it. The development of higher populated English colonies than the Dutch colonies led England to conquer the Dutch colonies, ending their Development as Dutch colonies. 
(c) The factors that determined the kinds of relations groups of colonists had with the Indians are: the economy of the Colony ( does it rely on a staple crop ? if so what is that crop? ) ( like in the Caribbean the economy of the colonies was sugar , and to "grow it effectively" to get "enough money " they "needed" a lot of laborers. At first they used the Natives as slaves to do the laborus work, but later on they used African slaves. (sad) But the economy of the French and Dutch colonies was fur trading, which required the colonists to form alliances and trade partnerships with the Native Americans, not too oppress them into slavery ), the Religion of the colony( Jesuit Missionaries preaching in Canada ), the leader of the Colony ( Governor Peter Stuyvesant of New Amsterdam antagonized Susquehannock Indians along the Delaware river by seizing a small Swedish colony where the Susquehannocks had traded. William Penn's plans required the colonists of Pennsylvania to live as "Neighbors and friends" with the Indians... as Long as Penn controlled the colony relations between the Indians and settlers were relatively peaceful ),  & the alliances of the Colony ( the alliance of the Pilgrims with the Wampanoags affected there relations with the Wampanoags positively and harmoniously , but it affected their relationship with the Wampanoag's enemies- the Narragansetts- negatively).

  • Which English settlements were proprietary colonies? Did they share any common characteristics? What plans did the various proprietors have for their colonies?
(a)Maryland, Carolina, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania were are Proprietary colonies.
(b) Yes they did they all had a proprietor, Carolina and Maryland both had staple crops and many laborers to work in the Plantations. All but Maryland were restoration ( after the restoration of Charles II to the throne ) colonies. 
(c) In Maryland the Proprietor wanted Maryland to be a catholic refuge, and to give Catholics a lot of Political and economic power. In Carolina one of the Proprietors ( Anthony Cooper) wanted to organize Carolina according to a Plan that he helped make called Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina. The Fundamental Constitutions linked property ownership and political rights/power to hierarchical social order, with a colonial Aristocracy that had a lot of Land and enormous political power , below them a large class of freeholders who each would own small amounts of land and elect representatives to an assembly and at the very bottom would be slaves. The Proprietor of New York and New Jersey ( James, Duke of York ) kept New York for himself and granted New Jersey to his supporters, encouraged Dutch colonists to remain and promoted immigration from England to strengthen the colony, and was very reluctant to give New York an elected representative assembly. The Proprietor of Pennsylvania, William Penn, wanted the colony to be a model of Justice and peace, a refuge for Quakers, a harmonious society governed by brotherly love, a society of religious freedom, but also a society with a weak legislature and a strong executive ( him with most of the power ) as outlined in the Frame of Government William Penn's plan for the Government of Pennsylvania (1682) . 
  • Religion played a major role as a motive for settlement in most English colonies. What were the religious beliefs of the settlers in each colony, and how did those beliefs help shape each colony’s development? Analyze the ways in which the various American colonies supported and restricted religious freedom.
(a)The Religious beliefs of each colony are in the chart below
Colony                                Established Religious Beliefs
Virginia                                          Anglican
Plymouth                              Puritan
St.Christopher                       Anglican
Barbados                                     Anglican
Nevis                                             Anglican
Massachusetts                           Puritan
New Hampshire                    Puritan
Antigua                                    Anglican
Montserrat                            Anglican
Maryland                                    None(Anglican after 1692) 
Rhode Island                               No Established religion
Connecticut                                  Puritan
New Haven                                 Puritan
Jamaica                                                    Anglican
Carolina                                                      Anglican 
New York                                                none
New Jersey                                               None
Pennsylvania                                No Established Religion( had Quakers, Anglicans and Puritans )
The Religious beliefs shaped each colonies development  by excluding many people that were not part of the Religion of the colony, and it caused disputes as in the example of the Maryland colony. Maryland was a Proprietary colony and was given too Calvert, lord Baltimore in 1632. Calvert was a Catholic and envisioned his colony as a refuge for Catholics who were a disadvantaged minority in England. He wanted the Catholic colonists to enjoy riches and political power in the colony, he would give Manors to Catholics and have people of other faiths as their tenant farmers, the manorial lords would also hold the most important government offices. But the Majority of colonists were Protestant and refused to work as tenants under Catholic lords, they claimed land of their own. In 1642 civil war broke out in England and in Maryland Protestants took advantage of the upheaval to contest Calvert's hold on the colony. To pacify them Calvert made a Legislature where the Protestants would dominate the lower house and est. the Act for Religious toleration , which gave freedom to worship for all Christians. Theses did not stop the Protestants from continuing to resist the Catholics political power. 

(b) The colony of Rhode Island founded by Roger Williams supported religious freedom because Williams advocated for the separation of church and state. The colony of Pennsylvania supported religious freedom by having the Frame of Government ( the plan for the Government of Pennsylvania written by William Penn ) which had a provision for religious freedom  in it.The Massachusetts Bay colony restricted Religious freedom by insisting on covenants, conformity ( of non-separatist  Puritans ), intolerance and having strict Church Membership ( and voting rights ) requirements in line with the Puritan religion .  The American Colony of New France restricted Religious freedom by requiring settlers to be Catholic and basically not allowing other religions in New France very much . 
  • The Chesapeake, the West Indies, and Carolina were all colonies dependent upon staple crops. What were those staple crops? In what ways did staple crop agriculture shape society in each region? How was agriculture in New England different from agriculture in the South?
(a)The staple Crops are outlined in the table below
Colony                              Staple Crop
Chesapeake                      Tobacco ( sinful ) 
the West Indies                 Sugar Cane (unhealthy )
Carolina                            Rice

(b) In the West Indies and Carolina the Staple crop agriculture shaped society into Biracial colonies where Staple crop Farming required heavy/substantial investment in land, slaves, equipment and Mills , both were shaped into racially divided societies founded on the oppression of a black majority and permeated by fear.  

Staple crop agriculture shaped society in the Chesapeake by making the population overwhelmingly young and male ( because of the "need" for indentured servants to farm the staple crop ), making marriage much less frequent, also the Unhealthy region had a lot of disease which increased early death rates a lot disrupting the real and usual family patterns. The staple crop agriculture made settlers settle in separate plantations, compete with their neighbors for profit ( hindering a sense of community ), invest every penny of profit in land and labor, postponing investment in goods that would make them more comfortable ( like furniture and better food ). 

(c) Agriculture in New England was different from Agriculture in the South by not having a staple crop, but rather having a diversified economy, in New England the goal was to achieve a competency ( enough property to ensure the families economic independence, in New England they had family labor rather than indentured servants or slaves, they regular traded goods and services with their neighbors, making their life more comfortable, they sent livestock, lumber, fish and crops to places that needed it like the West Indies, they also became skilled shipbuilders and seafarers.

  • Why did English colonists experience more frequent, and more violent, conflicts with the Native Americans than with the settlers of New France?

  • Why were Catholic missionaries more successful than Protestants in converting Native Americans to Christianity in early America? Analyze the different attempts at conversion made by Protestants and Catholics in the New World. Which group was more successful and why? 
  • Describe how and why most slaves were brought to America. When did Chesapeake planters switch from servants to slaves? Why did they make this change? How were the lives of slaves and indentured servants similar? Different? Was indentured servitude beneficial to those who entered into that servitude? Describe how the lives of slaves differed with respect to where they lived.
Most slaves were brought to America from Africa through the middle passage, most slaves were brought to america because the colonists needed a high amount of cheap labor for staple crops, like rice sugar and tobacco. 

Chesapeake planters switched from servants to slaves in the late 1600s ( 1680s and 1690s )Because in the late 1600s the availability of indentured servants decreased as the economy of England increased, and slaves became more easily obtainable because England's Royal African Company began shipping slaves directly to English buyers. Also Chesapeake planters found other reasons besides availability to switch to slaves, among them are : Slaves are a better long term investment ( self reproducing labor force because slave status passed onto slave's children and slaves were slaves for life ), they were easier to recapture if they ran away, and they were slaves for life , never to have a chance of being economic competitors with planters( or pose a threat like Nathaniel Bacon ). 

They both had to work for no wages, they both were unfree in a sense and they were both Human Beings  They were different by: slaves worked for life with no opportunity for prosperity even for their children , while Indentured servants worked for a set amount of years ( usually 4-7 yrs ) and then were free after that , so they had much more opportunity for prosperity  than slaves.Slaves came to the New World in a terribly fatal cramped area in the middle passage where up to 20% died, in contrast  Indentured servants came to the New World in much healthier conditions and had a lower death rate on the way to the New World. Indentured servants usually came to the New World seeking a better life and a chance at prosperity, on the other hand Slaves came to the New World against their will subjugated and imprisoned by slave traders and treated as property. 

Yes and No. Most of time indentured servants who had worked out their contract failed to receive prosperity especially in the Chesapeake colonies where established planters collaborated against freed indentured servants and sold them lousy land trying to stop them from becoming economic competitors, also in the Chesapeake colonies the men to women ratio was very high with an overwhelming majority of men , so the prospect of marriage in the early Chesapeake colonies was also very low. But some former-indentured servants did archive prosperity, and had their own indentured servants. 

The Life of slaves was worse in the southern colonies  and west indies than the northern ones ( slaves in the southern colonies and the west indies were mostly field hands and they were treated badly and forced to work under harsh conditions, while in the North slaves were more likely to be house hold slaves who though still having bad conditions were generally treated better in the north than in the south ) , and worse in the New World then in Africa ( in Africa slaves were slaves in name only , where thy were subject to little coercion, slavery was not necessarily permanent and it did not automatically pass onto slave's children, but in the New World slaves were treated with much more force and much harsher, also slavery was basically always permanent and slavery passed onto slave's children slavery was hereditary).
  • By about 1750, more slaves in the mainland British colonies were creoles (American-born) than African-born. What effects did this have on the formation of African-American communities in America? Analyze the evolution of the black family unit in America.
it increased the formation of the African American family unit and encouraged it because creoles lived longer and had more children then African born slaves increasing the chance of having a regular family. It also increased African American community formation by increasing African American family formation and diminishing the importance of African ethnic differences ( increasing the allowance and chance of  different ethnic groups of African American slaves forming communities ) because creoles had no personal memories of Africa as they grew up. 

The black family unit in America was not as common in the 1600s as in the 1700s because they needed more slaves, ethnic and linguistic differences to deteriorate,  and enough slave women as well as men. The increasing number of creoles increased the number of black families because creoles lived longer and had more children then African born slaves increasing the chance of having a regular family. By the late eighteenth century more than half of Chesapeake and Carolina slaves lived in family groups but they were fragile and could be broken up easily by white masters. 
  • Many European immigrants came to America in the eighteenth century, but they tended to settle only in certain colonial regions. What regions did they favor and why?
European immigrants favored regions where land was cheap and labor was most in demand ( the foothills of the Appalachian mountains/the western areas of middle and southern states ), because that would give them the most prosperity and opportunity for prosperity. 
  • Compare and contrast the institutions of slavery that emerged in Virginia and the Caribbean. Though both colonial regions were under British control, how were they distinctive from one another? How were they the same?
The Institution of slavery in Virginia was much less harsh to the slaves than the Institution of slavery in the Caribbean. Virginia                  the  Caribbean
    staple crop tobbacco                  sugar`
Fast fact

Revolution and early United states Americas 1774-1850

Fast fact

Modern Americas 1850-Present

sources: Brainpop, Khan academy, Wikipedia and, Book of Mormon readers edition

World History Prep

  • Homo erectus
    homo erectus are a species of the genus homo, and are early humans. The walked upright and made tools. They also had larger brains, and were one of the few species of Homo to survive until the Homo sapiens.
    more than 200,000 yrs ago. 
  • Neolithic
    This is a period in time when the agricultural revolution happened , and the first agricultural cites were established, It means new stone age, and there were many new stone tools for farming instead of hunting. The Neolithic period happened all over the world. more than 10000 yrs ago
  • Cuneiform
    cuneiform is a type of writing used by the Sumerians and other people in Mesopotamia . It was first used to record trade exchanges, and looks like a lot of slashes. It was written on clay tablets. The writing is important, because it was one of the EARLIEST forms of writing and helped people record things.
    start: 3200 BC , fully done : 2500 BC.  
  • Hammurabi
    Hammurabi was a Babylonian king , and he wrote a code of laws for Babylon called , not surprisingly , the code of Hammurabi. This is important because it was one of the earliest law codes and kept the nation unified. Hammurabi lived in Mesopotamia.
    Reign:1792-1750 BC 
  • Mastab
    Mastabas were ancient Egyptian tombs , and they were important , because they took considerable coordination effort to make them.
    during the Archaic or Pre-dynastic period 3100-2686 BC
  • Mohenjo-Daro
    This was a city built near the Indus river in Asia. It had an amazing pipeline, water transfer and drainage system. It also had a fortress at the center of the city , which may have had a temple . The writing of the these river Indus valley people has not been deciphered and almost all we now is from archaeology.
    2250-1600ish BC
  • Vedas
    Vedas were the holy texts of the Aryans , In India. They contain the religion , values and wisdom of the Aryans. They help us understand the Aryan culture and people. They were written between 1700 BC and 500 BC.
  • Oracle bone
    Oracle bones were bones used by the Shang Dynasty in eastern Asia to ask questions of the gods, they are important because they show us what the Shang Dynasty were interested about. The Oracle bones were used in the Shang Dynasty which lasted from 1600-1045 BC
  • Cyrus
    Cyrus was the first king of the Persians and changed them from a semi-nomadic shepherd society , to become an empire ( by conquering the Babylonians with the Medes ) . He released the Jews from bondage and let them go back to their homeland and rebuild the temple destroyed by the Babylonians. His empire was around Mesopotamia.
     Founder of the Persian empire ,died 521 BC
  • Mandate of Heaven
    The Mandate of Heaven wan an idea the the rulers of China had the right to rule from heaven. It was invented by the Zhou Dynasty . When rebels revolted , the Mandate had moved from the rulers to the rebels. The Zhou Dynasty ruled from 1045-771 BC
  • Confucius
    Confucius was a wise Chinese teacher, that promoted the family , and virtue. His idea was, that virtuous and good people would be nice and cooperate.
    551-479 BC
  • Legalism
    This was a Chinese idea , that thought that China needed to be unified under a strong government with severe laws. Legalisim did not look into the past for ideas, instead they thought they needed war to unify China and make it a strong state.
    Legaliasm grew out of the doctrine of Master Xun 321-237 BC
  • Upanishad
    The Upanishads were a new religious text that succeeded the Vedic religious texts in India. They prized knowledge over ritual, and focused on realizing ultimate reality or Brahman , and escaping existence itself.
    800–500 BC
  • Siddhartha Gautama
    Sid was the Buddha or enlightened one. He lived near Nepal, around the 500's BC. He is important as being the founder of Buddhism, and discovering the eight-fold path.
    563-483 BC
  • Polis
    A Polis was like a city state, in Greece. A lot were governed by democracy.
    750 BC , Polis meant what I said it means 
  • Oligarchy
    Oligarchy means rule by a few, though it is similar to democracy. It is a form of government in Greece.
    Oligarchy happened during the Lyric Age 800-500 BC
  • Agricultural Revolution
    When nomads settled down and farmed and domesticated animals, the Agricultural revolution took place
    more than 10000 yrs ago
  • Hittites
    The Hitties were chariot warrior people in Anatolia. They also went to Syria , Mesopotamia and Egypt. They had a lot of military success.
    1800-1200 BC 
  • Olmec
    The Olmecs were Mesoamerican people that built giant head sculptures, and rubber ball game stadiums. They studied the stars, made a calendar and studied nature to understand the supernatural world
    start : 1500 BC
  • Zoroastrianism
    This was a religion of the Persians, that was founded by Zoraster after 1000 BC. It taught that there was only one god , Ahura Mazda , and he created all that was good and was capable of only good. His enemy Ahiram, was evil, and the religion shows that the universe is divided into these two forces, who are always battling for control. People could chose between good and evil, and their choices had consequences. Also you could not bury, burn or drown your dead, and had to leave them out for the animals.
  • who/what: if a person who is the person and what is the person known for; if a thing, what is the thing
  • where: from what part of the world does the person or thing come; or is it most commonly associate
  • when: if you know a specific date you would include it, but at the very least you will need to identify it chronologically
  • why: the reason(s) the person or thing is important
  • Define what is meant by the term “civilization.” Discuss the attributes of civilization of at least two of the earliest river valley civilizations and explain how they influenced later civilizations in the same area.
    A civilization is a complex cultural entity with cites and rulers. The Mesopotamian city states had walls, and ( obliviously cities ) complex division of labor in them. They also had religion , that included their ziggurats. They influenced later civilizations to have religion and to have walled cities and warfare. The river Indus valley had complex water transport systems, and influenced later civilizations to do the same. 
  • Explain the difference between territorial states and empires. Discuss at least two territorial states and compare/contrast them to at least two later empires. What are the defining characteristics of empires?

    Territorial states have less influence than Empires. 
  • Discuss the role of religion in human development. What was the purpose of creation stories? Describe the development of religion in at least two different areas of the world. What was the role of key individuals in the development of religious beliefs?

    Religion has changed how we think, what we build, and what we try to do. To satisfy the question : "where did we come from?". France: First France was inhabited by wild nomadic tribes that had primitive religion. Then the tribes settled down, and after a while the Romans invaded it. The Romans had mythology and were polytheists. Rome ruled Gaul for some time, ( and soon before the fall of Rome, Rome became Christian ) but then the all of Rome came about. Invading tribes then settled Gaul with their religions. After some time , Charlemagne , king of the Franks, was named Holy Roman Emperor. France became Christian again. After Charlemagne's death ( and the death of his son Louis, ho ruled after Charlemagne ), The kingdom was divided between Louis's 3 sons. Soon after barbarians invaded ( including the Norsemen, who settled and owned Normandy ) and the Paganism of the Norse slowly changed to the Christianity of the Normans. I shall stop here for France. Utah: Utah was ( as earliest records say ,  not first ) inhabited by corrupted Lammanites and later became home of Native american tribes with their religion about animals and such. After some while, the Spanish Christians invaded and forced the Utahans to convert. Then the United States took it ( after Mexico did ) and it stayed Christian. After a bit more time, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints pioneers settled the land. Utah is still Mormon , but it has other faiths as well.
  • Discuss the role of migration in early human history. How can scholars trace migratory patterns for the distant past? What effect did migrations have on settled societies?

    This lets other lands be settled and explored. Also Migration can bring cultural practices to other lands. With language change , and DNA.
    the theory ( that I don't agree with ) is that humans originated in Africa , and then spread across the world, so migration helped colonize the world. Also migration to places where humans already were, led to the exchange of ideas. With Language , written records,  and DNA testing to name a few. As stated above, it could change the ideas and technologies of the settled people. 
  • HIST201

    I am taking HIST201 World History to 1500 ( On BYU Independent Study ), and have completed 88% of the course. At this moment I have an 87.63% B+ grade, but I am waiting for my Journal Activities's grade to come in. I still have to complete the Historical Essay assignment and then my Final Exam. These two are worth 50% of my Grade and I have to pass the Final Exam to Pass the course. The Course textbook is Worlds Together Worlds Apart : Volume 1. The course also requires additional readings: Beowulf, Caesar's the Conquest of Gaul and the Epic of Gilgamesh  .

    Update I finished this and got a B+