Sunday, June 13, 2010

KNIGHTS time.....

We have been studying the Middle ages and read many stories about knights and heroes of the Middle Ages. We saw how homes were build, how roads were make battles were fought. Robin Hood legents, Richard the Lion Heart, King Arthur and so many more. Here are some pictures that I drew out of my imagination:

I even helped my Mom take some pictures of some knights with seen through a magnifying glasses and different angels. I LOVE to take pictures. One day I did it for 4 hours in a row. It was so much fun. Then the battery needed to be charged and I had to wait for it to take more pictures. It was great to capture everything around me. Here are some of the pictures I took of the knights:

I LOVE the middle ages. I learned about Don Quihote as well and watched a movie about him. Interesting.....

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