Saturday, March 8, 2014

Crimea Crisis and The Ukrainian revolt

Ukrainian Revolt
This Revolt happened not to long ago. It was
between the Ukrainian government and the People

Ukraine was going to make a deal with Europe. But then Russia came and told Ukraine to make a deal with them. The Ukrainian President was more Russian in a sense. When Russia saw that Ukraine was going to make a deal with Europe they stepped in and said Ukraine should make the deal with them ( because Ukraine had lots of natural gas ) . Now the Russian leaning President made the deal. The more European leaning people of Ukraine Revolted and overthrew the Russian leaning President in his place they put a more Democratic President.

Russia saw what happened and they still wanted power in Ukraine. So they occupied Crimea.

Crimea Crisis
This is the Crisis in Crimea. Russia has occupied Crimea with military. The Ukrainian Gov just let Russia do it. Its a crisis because if any other country tried to interfere with force WWIII would break out and if no one dose anything then Russia would get braver and maybe take all of Ukraine. Then they would take more countries and WWIII would break out. So it tricky. But other countries can Embargo and they should. Crimea know is part of Russia. U.S.A and other countries do not recognize it.

my sister drew the N's and the O's

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