Monday, May 15, 2017

AP Physics C:Mechanics

I took the AP Physics C:Mechanics exam last week, and it was a bit challenging, but I am pretty sure I passed ( for BYU that means get at least a 4 ). You see I had not studied it nearly as weel or as much or as enthusiastically as Calculus and I did not understand it as well and Calculus BC. The Physics exam had more than just math ( unlike the AP Calculus BC exam did ) it had theory and laws and you had to know how to solve the problems. Which luckily I did ( most of them ) but there were still some that had me a bit confused. The Free response especially , which had a whole question on the rolling motion of a ball , was confusing. But I believe that I wrote enough and got enough of the Multiple choice correct to get a 4.

The Exam is separated into two sections: multiple choice and free response , where the MC part has ~35 questions which you have to fill in a letter on a answer sheet, and the FR part has 3 questions where you have to write. You are given 45 minutes for both parts, and so an hour and a half for the whole exam. 

The Exam tests kinematics, forces and newtons laws, work and energy, linear momentum , impulse and center of mass, rotational motion, gravitation, and oscillations.

Kinematics deals mainly with the study of motion, how things move ( velocity, displacement, acceleration and the equations that relate these quantities and time ) and is only up to two-dimensional in AP Physics c mechanics with projectile motion. In this course both kinematics under constant acceleration and kinematics under varying acceleration are covered ,where in the first case the kinematic equations are used and in the second case calculus is used.

Forces and newtons laws deal with why objects move and the forces that make them move. The method of drawing free body diagrams and solving newtons second law equations (F=ma)  are covered as are the 3 laws ( inertia , F net = ma, action reaction pairs ). Inclined planes and force trigonometry is used to find components of forces in different directions. Different types of force, such as the normal force, the gravitational force, the frictional force and centripetal force are covered.

Linear Momentum is the mass of an object times its velocity or the integral of force with respect to time for varying forces. Impulse if equal to momentum as stated in the impulse-momentum theorem, and calculations are done on these equations. Conservation of linear momentum is covered and so are the different types of collisions ( elastic , inelastic and completely inelastic ). The method for calculating the center of mass of both a system of particles and a continuous body are also covered.

Work and energy deal with the integral of force with respect to distance ( for varying force), Mechanical , Potential , and Kinetic energy, potential energy graphs, conservation of mechanical energy, non conservative energy, basic gravitational and spring potential energy, work energy theorem , and power.

Rotational motion deals with the rotational analogous of the fore covered topics of kinematics and dynamics when rotating around a fixed axis ( so it can only rotate in two directions ), and how to solve problems with this. These include but are not limited to angular displacement , velocity, and acceleration, arc length , torque , rotational inertia, and rotational kinetic energy.

Gravitation deals with Kepler's 3 laws,Newtons law of gravity, actual gravitational acceleration, the equating of centripetal force and gravitational force for circular orbits, the finding of the gravitational force inside a sphere, the actual gravitational potential energy and the discovery of escape velocity, and the like

Oscillation deals with springs, the restoring force for simple harmonic motion, potential energy for springs, period and frequency, the model for sinusoidal simple harmonic motion of position, velocity and acceleration, pendulums and the simple harmonic motion equations for ones that are displaced a small angle of theta.

It is so awesome how newton discovered these laws that rule the motion of objects ! Our Heavenly Father loves it when we strive to find the truth and with his help we do. He helped me learn Physics and I am so thankful for this.

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