Tuesday, September 3, 2013


R a p t o r s !

Lately I've been learning a lot about raptors.

Raptors are birds that eat meat. All raptors have Talons , Curved beak and incredible eyesight . The word Raptor comes from the Latin word Rapere Meaning to take by force. Raptor sure do take by force. They are Carnivores and eat Small mammals and reptiles . Sea and water Raptors eat fish . The Largest Raptor is the Andean condor with wingspans of up to 10 feet!  there are 5  types of Raptors . They are


 Hawks, Eagles, Buzzards, Harriers, Kites and vultures


Are small raptors that have excellent eyesight.
They hunt small animals like frogs, lizards,fish and mice.
they have long tails and short curved beaks.

Sharp-Shinned Hawk

The Sharp-Shinned Hawk is the smallest Hawk in North america. 
They live in the Americas . They mainly live in forests. They eat mammals and birds like Sparrows .
They are named for a thin ridge on their legs.


Are one one of the largest raptors. Everyone thinks different things about who is the Largest eagle. The three Most likely are the Harpy Eagle , the Stellers sea eagle and the Philippines eagle. Eagles have Broad large wings and great Eyesight. After Eagles have made their nest they return to it every year and add to it. Some nest are 6 ft across and 10 ft deep ! Eagles are important figures in native religion and national icons. The bald eagle is america's national bird and the gold eagle is Mexicos national bird . Some native american tribes used to Worship the eagle. Harpy eagles can kill a human ! There are  4 different types of eagles 1 Booted eagles (example Gold eagle) 2 Snake eagles ( example Crested Serpent Eagle ) 3 Giant Rainforest eagles ( example Harpy eagle) and 4 sea Eagles (example Bald eagle 

Gold Eagle

The Gold Eagles are my Favorite birds. They are Booted eagles.With a wingspan of 6-7 feet Gold eagles are big. Their scientific name is Aquila Chrysaetos. their average lifespan is 30 years . Gold eagles live in Eurasia north america and africa .They return to their nest every year and make it giant. Gold eagles can dive 150 miles per hour ! They eat small mammals and turtles .Gold eagles are used in falconry to catch wolves and foxes in Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Gold eagles are the National bird of Mexico. Gold eagles are large powerful birds and are efficient hunters with the help of Talons, Curved beak and Sharp eyesight. Gold eagles are LC least concerned on the conservation status . Gold eagles are also silent birds  


Have  broad wings and are robust . They hunt any small animal close by mostly rodents though.Some may eat dead animals , but most like fresh meat better.

Long-legged Buzzard
The long legged buzzard is a robust buzzard. They can reach Wingspans up to 5 feet. Long-legged buzzards come in many colors but usually they are light brown. Long-legged Buzzards live in dry open plains of africa and asia.They eat small animals


Are medium sized birds. They fly low to the ground and eat small animals.
when courting they fly in circles.

Eastern Marsh Harrier
Eastern Marsh Harriers live in Asia . They Are different colors but mainly brown. The female is larger than the male. They meow. They fly low to the ground and hold their wing in a v-shape. They eat small animals . 


Usually  a kite is light, with a little head ,short beak, and long wings and tail. Kites live in warm places. kites eat small animals .These small raptors get their name from their ability to use the wind to help them.

White-tailed Kite

White tailed kites live in the Americas. They mainly eat rodents. They were endangered in the 1930s and 1940s but have made a comeback. They are colored  white and gray.  THey fly like falcons. Their wingspan is around 3 feet. Their scientific name is Elanus Leucurus. 


There are two kinds of Vultures, Old world vultures( example Griffon Vulture ) and new world vultures ( example Andean condor). New world vultures smell the carrion and eat it . Vultures have weak talons and beaks. But have an excellent sense of smell. Vultures live for a long time up to 40 years!  Vultures live all over the world .  Vultures are often depicted as evil ,Ugly or scary creatures. But the truth is Vultures aren't evil . They are often considered so because of their bald heads. But Vultures are scavengers so they eat rotting meat . No other bird could eat that . they would die. Vultures clean up the land. But to do so they need a bald head. If it was covered with feathers . It would get messy when they poked their heads in the carrion. They could not take of the meat and blood. So it would get infected and the vulture would die .

Griffon Vulture
The Griffon Vulture is a big Old world vulture. They can get a wingspan up to 9 feet. Its head is white and has barley any feathers. Its body is brown. They live in eurasia. They are scavengers . It grunts and hisses .

Pandionidae Osprey

The Osprey is a Sea Raptor that mainly eats fish. Ospreys skim the water and with their talons grab fish. There Wingspan is around 5.9 feet. Ospreys are on every continent except Antarctica. They live near bodies of water where fish are to be found. They are blackish-brown in the wings and on a streak through the head. while the rest is white. Their eyes are yellow. Ospreys played significant roles in culture in the past

Secretary bird

Secretary Birds are large mainly flightless birds that live in africa. They eat snakes, Rodents and reptiles on the ground. They use their long strong legs covered in scales that end in Talons to stomp snakes, rodents and reptiles. Their wingspan can be up to 7 feet ! their body length can be 5 feet ! They look more like cranes from far away . But their talons and curved beak make it a Raptor. Its mostly gray with black . They have orange or red around their eyes though. it is on the coats of arms of Sudan and South Africa.


Falcons and Caracaras

Falcons are also called Kestrels . They are medium sized birds. That prey on small animals including Rodents, Rabbits ,Reptiles ,Fish, Frogs and small birds. They live all over the world. The most famous, widespread and fastest  Falcon is the Peregrine Falcon. It is also the fastest animal in the world reaching speed of up to 200 miles per hour !

Brown Falcon
the Brown falcon lives in Australia . They are slower than other Falcons and perch on tree tops to hunt. They wait for prey and when it comes they snatch it with their talons. They are usually light brown and have black and white in them .They eat small mammals, Reptiles and insects.

Live in the Americas . They are slow and most are scavengers.

Mountain Caracara

The Mountain Caracara lives in South america. They are white and black with a red beak. Kids are brown. They mainly hunt on the ground. They are Mostly scavengers but will eat any small mammal.



Owls live on every continent except Antarctica . Owls are mostly nocturnal . They usually have circle like heads and large eyes. They need large eyes to let in as much light as possible. Owls eat any small animal. They use surprise , their curved beak and talons to get their prey. Most people thought owls were bad luck back in the past.

Spotted Eagle-Owl

The Spotted Eagle-Owl is a small eagle owl. It has tufts of feathers on the sides of its head . Making it look like it has they are ears. But they are not . They have a wingspan of about 4 feet. They are spotted like the name said with black, white and gray spots. They have large yellow eyes. they live in Africa and asia. they eat small animals.

That's what I have learned about the most awesome birds, R a p t o r s !

Source wiki

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